Sunday, November 20, 2011

Gone to the Big Dogs (and one little Pepperbox)

The house is so quiet!!
I miss the boys and girls but will have the pleasure of keeping Pepperbox for two weeks before she goes to her forever home.

Smith on his way to new home
It all started last Saturday with the temperament tests and all but Derringer tested as typical Dalmatians...Derringer is just a tad too independent and that day she was very independent.  So, when I left Karen's Saturday Schofield and Derringer stayed with their people.  Tuesday was an emotional day from Mr. Smith's health cert to his microchip to the drive to Atascadero and finally, meeting Smith's new person.  Thursday was doubly hard because two puppies went to their homes, Pound and Wesson. They got to ride to their new homes together, I was lucky enough to find two homes in same area and they drove together to get the puppies.  And then Friday came, Winnie's new parents came to pick her up and she was showing them when they were here how good she is at coming when calling. 

I have to say as hard as it was to let them go, I am estatic with the homes that Karen and Patti helped find for these puppies.  I am excited to see pictures of them growing up and hear stories about their antics. 

Now I have Pepperbox and Carly and Henry and we will see what we can do about having her housebroken before she goes to her new home.  I will also have to try not to spoil her because she will be plenty spoiled at her new home.

Pepperbox enjoying a big yard

Carly and Pepper playing in Pepper's crate

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Hearing Tests!!! (And seven week stack shots)

This has been a big week. On Friday, some puppy people came to look at the puppies and see how and where they were raised and also, to get an idea on what puppy might be theirs.  Then puppies, Karen, Jaime and I all travelled to Atascadero to Dr. Holstein's office to get hearing tests done.  Patti LaRose met us at the vet, we found out that all puppies are bilateral hearing. That was a huge relief.  Some, occasionally may suffer from selective hearing as many dalmatians do (at least that is what I have been told). Saturday, we will be performing the final temperament test on the puppies and there should not be any surprises there. Then, we will do final paperwork and contracts and finish determining who goes where (but we mostly know that now).

The seventh week is definitely bittersweet,  as I continue to socialize, clean and feed the puppies, I realize all I can do now is hope that the puppies make their future owners as happy as Carly and Henry have made me. On Saturday,  two puppies stay at Karen's house. On Tuesday, I drive back to Atascadero to drop Mr. Smith off and meet the Alaskan couple that are coming to pick him up. Between Wednesday and Thursday, Winnie, Wesson and Pound will all have new names and be going to their new homes, however, they will always be part of The Magnificent Seven.  Schofield is going to be a co-owned puppy we want to watch how she grows, she has the potential to be a show puppy.  Pepper is staying in Tulare to be watched and looked at as a show puppy when she is six months old.  And finally, there is Derringer the pick, she will be staying with Karen as a show puppy, however, she will spend time with Patti and also with me.

Here are some more photos from this week and some seven week stack photos.

Derringer and Pound

Schofield and her attitude


Schofield and Winnie

Schofield and Pound attacking Grant
Pound and company

The Seven (or some of them)

Schofield and a look her mother gives me
The Seven, or again some of them

Smith's non-show side
Smith's show side


Derringer non-show

Derringer's rear shot

Derringer's show side


Pepperbox's non-show side

Pepper's non-show side and her goofy lick
Pepperbox's show side

Pepperbox's rear shot

Wesson's non-show side

Wesson's show side (kinda)

Pound's non-show side

Pound's show side

Schofield's show side

Schofield's non-show side

Schofield's rear shot
Winnie's non-show side

Winnie's show side
